Nördlingen and Dinkelsbühl (or Meteor Town and The Benevolent Swedes)

So Thursday we took an enjoyable daytrip with C & M to two medieval Bavarian towns. Nördlingen was built in the crater of a meteor. The gigantic gates date back to medieval times, and you can walk atop the wall that surrounds the whole of Nördlingen. Pretty cool.

Then it was off to Dinkelsbühl (which is really fun to say with the correct German pronunciation). The place is simply gorgeous. The origins of the town are also interesting. While the name is written about as early as the 1200s, its later history is what most people remember. In the 1600s the city changed hands eight times due to attacks from various warring peoples. In around 1632 it was the Swedes who came along and took over. According to legend, the children of Dinkelsbühl begged their attackers for mercy, and so while the Swedish did indeed take over the city, they spared the lives of the conquered people. Even more curious is that the people of Dinkelsbühl still hold an annual festival celebrating the fact that they surrendered and weren't destroyed by the Swedes.

In other news not directly related to travelling but nonetheless important, we watched the series finale of Studio 60 last night with Colin & Marlene, whom we were pleased to learn were fellow fans of this remarkable show. What an ending. Now we continue lamenting that it only lasted one season.


Chad said...

Ok we are so glad you are in good hands. We are still replacing and trying to figure out what we are missing from our luggage. Next week we should bedone, we are going to kelowna.
I havent heard any blogged quotes lately, whats with that? I need drama folks!ANy fights with Colin and MArlene? DOes either of them wander off? Of course not. You miss me I know that. I will not forget that crowd and pickpocket guy in Venice. Terri is all informing the victims they were just robbed. "Oh ya, you were just robbed..." she nods knowingly. ALso the fear we all showed int he backseat as bikers zoomed in all directions while staying in Melee. Or Nelsons facelessness in Venice as he attmepted to navigate through Venice's crazy street systems. Or his 12 pack of tissues. Or nearly headless nick lady in Vatican City, which I am still waking up screaming about. *vomit*
Ahhhh...I will treasure those moments and look forward to hearing more.

heather said...

wow, nelson, it would seem you have been censoring you accounts of things. nearly headless nick lady?!?

Interestingly, I spent last night catching up on the Studio 60 I had missed while in Europe, and we got through everything EXCEPT the very last episode, and just now I woke up in the morning thinking about it and wondering what's going to happen. It is truly sad that it only lasted a season.

Also, those Bavarian towns sound really cool. How fun!

pam said...

Hey guys,

On July 20 at 6pm I, (Pam) received my bag at our back door. Everything is in the same order as left. It did end up in the USA since that was the address they had for our bag for some reason.

it's amazing to look at all the items that i had in the bag and the cost value of everything. Started to dent some of that but not even close to the full replacement value.

Hope you guys have the same great news.


M&C said...

Seems each of your days is enjoyable in another unique, thought-provoking way. Your smiles and your eyes on the pics are telling us so much, along with the fabulous scenes and settings in the background.
Hmm... is this Dackau day? A visit to that place is said to leave a life-long impression as to many things... such as "man's inhumanity to man".
We are doing well and the W clan is all here in BC, and the gatherings have begun - formal, not so much, but frequent. :-)
Here's to a great day N&T. You are in our thoughts and prayers.