Oh, by the way...we're home

Probably no one's actually reading this anymore, but I thought I'd do at least one more post (who knows, maybe I'll get inspired to put up more pics -- or maybe one of those funky online photo albums...but I doubt it).

Anyway, we got home safe & sound Tuesday evening around 7:30pm -- with the exact number of bags we left Munich with. Woohoo! My beloved parents picked us up. They've been staying at our place visiting family and friends, and they've been around this week as well. It's been good to just chill out with them and share stories from our trip in person.

It seems we're mostly over the jetlag. Both of us have managed to sleep well, and it's nice to not have to be back at work right away.

Oh, another by the way. Our tenth anniversary was actually Thursday. Last night my folks took us and my brother and sister in law out for dinner to the Old Spaghetti Factory. Love that place.

Some might still be wondering about whether our bags have actually arrived. Well, funny you should ask. This week our travel agent advised Terri and I to consider our bags LOST, not DELAYED. That means that we should proceed with replacing everything we had packed in them for the trip. So, following her advice, we have been continuing to shop for those items we hadn't yet replaced. It feels a bit weird spending all that money that isn't ours, but on the other hand it's kinda fun :).

So this morning we head off to Vancouver to shop for a few more things, since we are wanting to put our claim into BA right after the long weekend. We get home about 7:30 this eve and there's a message saying that a bag has been delivered "to our back patio behind the barbeque" since we weren't home earlier. I go back there, and, sure enough, my (Nelson's) backpack is sitting there like a gift under the tree on Christmas morning.

Maybe there's hope that Terri's bag, also, isn't really "lost" forever. That would be a bonus.

Some of you are probably thinking, "Must be nice to get all that new stuff, and then your bag actually shows up, too." You'd be right, but boy oh boy, given the choice to have our bags lost for 4 weeks & buy new stuff OR just enjoy our trip with the stuff we packed in the first place, we'd definitely go for the latter. So now you can pray that BA will indeed reimburse us for all this extra money we've spent! We're quite assured about that, actually.

So...unless I/we get inspired to post more stuff, this is probably it for the Euro Expedition blog. If you have any more comments, we'd love to read them. We'll probably even respond to them, now that it's much easier to get online and not pay so much to do so.

Thanks for reading, thanks for praying, and for laughing and crying along with us!
