The breathtaking beauty of fishing villages

Well, only time for a quick update. We have had a great time in Genova at the home of my friend Andrea (I met him at Taize last summer). Also spent a couple of days in the Cinque Terre, where we were able to meet up with some other friends for a very nice dinner overlooking the Mediterranean. No bags, but life could be much worse.

Today we are taking one more cruise through the five towns, and tomorrow we leave for Rome. I am writing this from Vernazza, and frankly, this is NOT my favorite way to spend time in this gorgeous place, but we thought you all deserved some communication, brief as it is.

Please pray our bags show up soon, and that they find us in the place we are actually staying in at the time! Peace to all...


Adam said...

ah. the medditeranean. my quick note- i have not seen the ocean in months. this might just be my first ocean-less summer...

no way. i'm making my way to Vancouver (speaking of cruising through towns).

that would make in anteresting blog entry... the essential differences between Vancouver's ocean and Vernazza's sea.

M&C said...

Yes - from what I sense in your communication, it is possible to travel without your "luggage" - perhaps not with out some difficulties. But then I was thinking how freeing it is to live without "baggage" - but let's leave such for another time. Maybe by now, and this is our hope - you will have been rejoined with the 'ole kit bag, and your smiling'. (Older bloggers would get that one).
Love to you two and the other two.